BLOOM Magazine and Truth Publications bring you a writing project on Easter from different individual perspective.... Follow the link to download your copy...Bless You
Contributors... Senyo Akaba, Kwaku Dei-Asiedu, Lena Ewurafua Oduro, Michael Appiah-Duku, Josephine Amoako, Albert Adjetey, AlfCollins Djan, Phil IsGod'sbabygirl Ama Nyarkoah, Theodora Williams, Bom Sirr,](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/t1.0-9/p526x296/10246638_10202446000683917_5489463404542362429_n.jpg)
It's Easter, a period Christians celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though Easter as we have it today has its origins in pagan beliefs, we must not lose sight of it's significance today. I will do another post to explain why I believe though, Easter has pagan origins, there's nothing wrong celebrating it today as Christian.
In this post however, I am making available for free download an ebook with the thoughts of different people's view of Easter. Follow this link to download...http://bit.ly/1j4AShZ
The bodily resurrect ion of the Lord
Jesus Christ which we celebrate in this season as Easter is one of the fundamental
tenets of the Christian faith. He died and rose again thus reconciling sinful humanity
to the Father through the efficacy of the finished work on Calvary. He died in
our place as a ransom for our sins.
He appeased God’s wrath for the
punishment of our sins. (See Isaiah 53:4-6).His death and resurrection paved
the way for everyone who will believe in Him to have a relationship with the
father and also to have eternal life.
For the Christian, the resurrection
of Christ is not a problem. But to the critic and atheist, Christ and
Christianity area hoax.
Now before anyone will question the
resurrection, let’s first look into the mind of Saul, a critic―a vicious enemy
of the Christian faith― who later in his life embraced the Christian faith and
became its number one advocate. What happened to Saul who later became Paul? He
experienced the resurrected Christ. He became an eye witness of what he was
opposing. On a journey to Damascus to apprehend Christians and execute them, he
met with the Lord Jesus.(Acts 9)
This same enemy of Christ and
Christianity, later on wrote to defend the resurrection. Truth is that, if
Christ did not resurrect from the grave, then Christians have no hope.
Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not. 1Corinthians15:12-15).
Pauls turn around to embrace the
gospel can only be based on the fact that he experienced the truth. He also
became a witness to the resurrected Christ.
This ebook celebrates our redemption
by looking at what Easter means from different individual perspective. It is my
prayer that this book will be a blessing to you
Happy Easter!... Get the free download here....http://bit.ly/1j4AShZ
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