Sunday 30 March 2014

Five Tips For Sharing The Gospel Online

1: Have A Message
Approach sharing messages on the net exactly the way you prepare to interact face--- to---face with people. You should have something ready to share. Pray, prepare and ask the Lord to lead you to what to share.

2: Edit Thoroughly
Don't present poorly written content on behalf of the Lord. Edit thoroughly! It's a non-negotiable! You are representing Christ and your message must be excellent(construction, clarity,grammatical accuracy). After you hit send, go back to read over to catch errors and correct them.

3: Mind Your Language
Social Media doesn't diminish your responsibility as a Christian.“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers“ (Ephesians 4:29). Avoid foul language. Avoid cursing. Don't attack anyone for their beliefs: Speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Your own words won't change anybody. It's the convicting power of the Holy Spirit that saves.

4: Guard Against Plagiarism
The rules of writing has not changed on social media. Plagiarism is stealing Christians should not steal. Don't use other person‘s work and take credit for it. It's stealing. Give credit where it's due; it's Biblical: give honour to whom honour is due ( Romans 13:7).

5: Use Hashtags: #
Hashtags gives you a wider coverage beyond your friends list.
#Five #Tips For #Sharing The #Gospel #Online

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