Sunday 28 July 2013


  • “ ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves (James 1:22)
How long have you been a Christian? How many messages have you heard? How many conferences have you attended? The number of years you have been a Christian and the number of conferences you have attended really does not matter. 
The most important thing is if you have been implementing all the things you have been taught since you became a Christian and all the messages you have heard in all the conferences you have attended. I want you to honestly examine your life to see if "you are really a Christian". Yes, you might have accepted Christ, but are you of any use to His kingdom? What do you do with the words you hear? I pose the question again: WHAT IS YOUR IMPLEMENTATION RATE?

I might sound arrogant, but last year 2012, I decided not to attend any conference until I have started living out and implementing all the things I know and have been hearing. I truly dont need any new open doors. I have realised that God opens doors one at a time.When you step into one, he opens the next door. You have to start steping into the ones that have already been open. Step out and be a doer of the word and God will bless you.

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